Simon the Sorcerer online DOS game is a series of point-and-click adventure games created by Adventure Soft. The series follows the adventures of an unwilling hero of the same name and has a strong fantasy setting similar to Sierra's King's Quest and Westwood's The Legend of Kyrandia series. The game varies in style, however, as it is more poised to be a parody of the fantasy genre than a member of the genre itself, with many renowned folklore characters appearing differently from what they are generally presumed to be.
Simon the Sorcerer Cheat Codes
Unfortunately, no cheat codes have been discovered for Simon the Sorcerer.
Simon the Sorcerer Keyboard Controls
This is how to play Simon the Sorcerer:
Arrow keys
- Move Simon in different directions.Ctrl
- Interact with objects or select menu options.Alt
- Access inventory or cast spells.Spacebar
- Skip dialogue or confirm selections.Esc
- Open the game menu or quit the game.